
Continue to struggle, start a new journey, set heart gathering power spectrum new chapter

Continue to struggle, start a new journey, set heart gathering power spectrum new chapter

Continue to struggle, start a new journey, set heart gathering power spectrum new chapter

Jade mouse used to wind to say goodbye, Jinniu drove Xiang to welcome the new spring. The change of stars is to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new; the years are round, and the spring is shining. On behalf of Longgang group, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to every Longgang person who has worked hard in the work position on the occasion of this Spring Festival! Thank you all the family members who have given understanding and support! At the same time, I thank all the friends and partners of all walks of life who have been caring, helping and supporting the development of Longgang for many years. I wish you the best wishes for the New Year!

After all the time, the world is hard. The past year of gengzi is a very extraordinary year, a year of struggle and a year of singing.

The outbreak of spring war and pregnancy hope. Novel coronavirus pneumonia is facing serious challenges at home and abroad. In the face of the severe impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the group has been working together to ensure that the production and control of the disease have been carried out. Meanwhile, it actively undertakes social responsibility and gives back to all walks of life. The total donation and donation amount to more than 800000 yuan in the whole year.

In summer, we can ignite passion and promote development. New materials, real estate development, construction, logistics and transportation, property services, machinery and equipment, ecological park and other fields are in full bloom, accelerated promotion and in full swing. The eight production lines of Longgang silicon industry are fully operated; tower cranes are standing and hot in Longgang new materials, Yuxiu Park, Yude Park and automobile industrial park; Longgang logistics is busy and orderly; Longgang machinery leasing company has developed rapidly and prosperously; Longgang property improves quality and sincere service; Longgang ecological park is lush and vigorous.

The golden autumn Dynasty has been handed down by the rapid report and has achieved great results. In 2020, the performance of each group company has been greatly improved, with a total output value of over 800million yuan and a tax of 23 million yuan. Six new patents have been granted, reaching 52 in total. The company has been awarded the top brand cultivation enterprises in Shandong manufacturing industry, China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Shandong competition area), and the outstanding enterprises in innovation and competitive action plan of small and medium-sized and micro enterprises in 2020, and "invisible champion" enterprises in Weifang. The company's products were selected as high-quality brand products in Shandong in 2020, the first application demonstration catalogue of key new materials in Shandong Province and the catalogue of Shandong innovation industrial products in 2020, and won the second prize of Shandong marine science and Technology Innovation Award, the first prize of Weifang Science and technology progress award, and the third prize of Weifang innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (growth group). Longgang new material inorganic silicide product project was selected as the first batch of key project of major project of new and new kinetic energy conversion project in 2020, the first batch of optimization projects in provincial new and new kinetic energy conversion project library, and several projects were included in the Shandong technical innovation project plan; the science and technology Innovation Service Center project and Longgang Automobile City project were selected as the service carrier project of Shandong Province; Longgang Yuxiu Park Project The project of green building evaluation and identification of the province has been awarded. One paper was awarded the first prize of excellent paper of Shandong enterprise technology innovation award. Many employees have won the honorary title of provincial and municipal level.

In winter, we should practice internal skill and store kinetic energy. The prevention and control of epidemic situation is always cautious. We will establish and improve the normal epidemic prevention and control mechanism, implement the responsibility of prevention and control, and improve the emergency material guarantee system. Safety production is always unremitting. Tighten the string of safety production at all times, make hard efforts to eliminate hidden dangers in bud, and keep the hidden dangers from sprouting in the investigation of hidden dangers and prevent them. In terms of pressure transmission and responsibility, we will go to every site, workshop, team, process and post. Team quality is continuously improved. Once a week, we will learn and exchange, and have long knowledge, clear direction and expand our thinking, so as to enhance the special skills, business level and overall quality simultaneously.

The old year has already displayed a thousand views, and the new year will be more than 100 feet. The group regards 2021 as "performance promotion year", and according to the development idea of "multiple industries attach equal importance to the same, multi wheel drive is put together", the group will start a new journey of industrial upgrading and high-quality development in terms of transformation and upgrading, green development and innovation. The system strengthens the enterprise to stimulate new vitality. We will continue to improve and innovate management mechanisms, improve the system system with clear power and responsibility, clear process and well managed, improve the level of management refinement and improve the operation efficiency of the company; innovate the system of selecting and employing personnel, incentive and restraint, pressure transmission, supervision and assessment, and stimulate the entrepreneurial activities of officers, and make the company steadily advance on the track of standardization and standardization. Science and technology will strengthen the innovation performance of enterprises. Relying on Longgang High Tech Research Institute, we will continue to increase the investment in scientific and technological research and development, continuously improve the independent innovation ability, grasp the initiative of competition and development, and move forward to the goal of building technology intensive enterprises and technology development enterprises. Talent enterprises should be strengthened to rebuild new highlands. We should deepen the concept of people-oriented, strengthen the standards of morality first, and recruit talents scientifically and fairly. The "talent Bole Award" is set up to encourage all staff to actively introduce talents and provide strong talent support and intellectual support for scientific and technological innovation. Optimize the talent development environment, plant "fertile soil", and make the best of the talents, and provide a stage for each talent to display their talents. Focusing on strengthening service, improving the material and cultural living standard of employees, solving the worries for talents and creating a good environment for keeping people in mind.

Wind force sail full of new ambition, honing forward at that time. In the new year of the ugly, we should firmly believe that "thousands of thousands of people are hard, blowing out the crazy sand and starting to arrive at gold". We should carry forward the spirit of dragon harbor, which is hard to overcome difficulties and invincible. We will strive for the night and not bear the time, and strive for dreams and continue to struggle in a running manner!

Congratulations to you: happy new year, healthy, thinking of the success, long-term happiness!

Chairman of Weifang Longgang Industrial Group

Wang Jingwei